What’s bothering you right now?

many things, and nothing, all at the same time.

what i mean is … i prefer to focus on other things. there are always small bothers in life. but there are MORE blessings. i find my mood is generally improved if i focus on the blessings more.

i could complain about the divisiveness, the propaganda, the ineptitude of government officials worldwide … but why? when my son is reading like a champ! my daughter is into her senior year of high school and more amazing than ever! and the little community cupboard has a steady flow of donations that come in along with some regular guests who utilize the service!

i could complain about vaxxpasses turning my country into 40’s era Germany … but why? when so many people are marching against it. poll after poll showing more than 75% of canadians do NOT want a two tier society.

there are many things bothering me … but nothing, at the same time.

because there are so many more blessings in my life!

How do you feel when you take a break from work?


i am a bit of a workaholic to be honest. i work all the time.

even this weekend … i am taking a break to let my body have rest and healing energy after doing a pretty intense cleanse last week. and it is REALLY hard to just sit and read and relax.

but i keep reminding myself, healing is also doing something. resting is also work for my body and soul.