How do people close to you define you?

strong. smart. lots of words i would never use for my self. resilient. leader.

people look up to me, and not just because i am tall. i have always kind of assumed it was the glasses but even when i don’t wear them, this is what seems to happen …

it’s ok. i am getting used to it.

being the one to handle all of the things.

i think it has to do with just … acting sure of my self. even when i am not.

i often say, i am not sure if it’s brave or stupid. and no one else knows which it is until i am either successful, or not….

How many hours did you sleep last night?

about 6. not all in a row. but … about 6 total. like 2, and then another 4.

i don’t sleep normal. i never really have. unless i have some big bear of a man snoring beside me, i can’t make it through the whole night. i know other people dislike the big loud snore of a large hairy dude, but i love it!

there is no better sleep than one spent with the heavy arm of a snorer holding you still, while their loud rumbling breath lulls you to sleep like the rhythm of a metronome.


it’s the best. those times, i sleep for 10 hours instead of 6 🙂
