This can be a tricky subject. I am going to simplify things in sections based on how you might use the BudBasics with the recipes on this site. Then, within the recipes I will outline which dosage will result in what approximate, per edible, milligram amount.
Coconut oil, I usually make three different doses. The Lightweight: 7 grams of flower (OR) 14 grams shake per 1.25 cups oil. The Moderate: 14 grams of flower (OR) 28 grams of shake per 1.25 cups oil. The Chronic: 28 grams of flower (OR) 56 grams of shake per 1.25 cups oil.
Budter, I follow the same three dosing names, but the grams vary. I do this so that things are easily divisible by dozens because my BakedBaking recipes generally yield in the dozens so you might want to be able to do that math simply. If you make your budter in doses divisible by 12, it’s just simpler to estimate if your cookie has 25/50/100 mg. The Lightweight: 9 grams of flower (OR) 18 grams shake per 1.25 cups clarified butter. The Moderate: 18 grams of flower (OR) 36 grams shake per 1.25 cups clarified butter. The Chronic: 36 grams flower (OR) 72 grams shake per 1.25 cups clarified butter.
Cooked Honey and cooking oils, I usually make one steady dosing and then dilute with raw honey or added oil if I want to make my end product weaker. It just makes the whole thing easier, really. 14 grams of flower (OR) 28 grams of shake per 2.25 cups of honey.
Stoner’s Suggestion: if you are on a budget, or happen to come into a good deal on some quantity, you might want to make a Chronic batch and dilute it down for specific recipes. I definitely recommend “starting small” when it comes to your initial intake! You can always get higher, but you can’t climb back down quickly!
*NOTE: The Chronic relies on a big batch being made at once, this is for CannaCooks who are cooking large batches of product.
Also, don’t worry about remembering this in detail right now, I will include each dosing with all InfusionInstructions in a handy little chart for your convenience!